Bello !

So, this is my first blog post for UCL. Welcome!

This is where I will be writing my contributions to the module “Governing Emerging Technologies” tutored by Dr Jack Stilgoe.

Let’s start with a brief introduction: my name is Karel Kamphuis. I am doing two Master’s degrees at Université Paris-Sorbonne (Paris IV): one in History and International relations, the other in Political philosophy. For now, I am doing my final year in History at UCL on Erasmus.

First, allow me to say I am really excited to be given the chance to study at UCL. This year is full of opportunities and expectations on both academic and personal perspectives. I plan on making the best out of it.

I am currently writing my main dissertation about the Snowden case for my home institution. Thus, my research programme not only bears upon history of modern America and its share of political, social and diplomatic issues, but also directly addresses technology and its impact on our way of life and train of thought. All of these reasons led me to choose the HPSC3036 module, the focus of which is at the confluence of these topics.

I really want to thank UCL for providing students with the chance to take courses from other departments. I hope together we can discuss technological ordeals through this challenging way of assessing our work. I also hope my historical overview will bring a multidisciplinary approach to our common debate.

I look forward to seeing you online ! Feel free to share and comment.

Numériquement vôtre,
Karel Kamphuis

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